Tuesday, August 16, 2011

In defence of granny panties

This morning I was flipping through the very serious news headlines of Ninemsn when one caught my eye. It was about Taylor Swift's 'wardrobe malfunction' during a concert which exposed her apparent lack of 'underwear fashion sense'. Admittedly I am not a Taylor Swift fan, I think she looks and sings like vanilla, but I respect her far more after witnessing her underwear choice.

For seriously, what is so wrong with granny panties?

They're flattering, comfortable, come in 3 neutral colours and if you get the more modern styles they even prevent VPL's. The only conclusion I can come to for their bad press is because the patriarchal structures in society insist women can only be attractive if they are made to submit to being uncomfortable. This must be the only reason, because for the life of me I can not remember seeing any woman in a g-string without feeling quite repulsed. According to society's ideals women should walk around with the equivalent of dental floss between their bottoms or wear itchy synthetic materials of the most awkward cuts so they can be a potential breeding ground for thrush. This is not sexy. It's demeaning and impractical. Women should be able to walk out the door each morning feeling confident and ready for anything, they should not be taking the last minute to adjust their knickers before it becomes impossible to do so in the public glare.

Many may argue that granny undies lack sex appeal but in my opinion a woman confident and relaxed is sexy. If men are intimidated by confidence they are relying on the desperation of women to get out of their uncomfortable situation as a possibility to score. This is a sign of major character flaws, most notably communication skills and charm. It also brings them down to the mentality of rapists who get off from making women vulnerable in a subjective position. This may seem a little extreme but I'm not saying that women can't wear g-strings or other impractical underwear if they choose to, but it must be their choice not a patriarchal pressure. Also if I want to wear granny undies to get about my work I don't want some asshole writing that I'm unfashionable and lacking sex appeal. As Bridgette Jone's proved granny panties are not a chastity belt.

So I can't believe I'm saying this but bravo Taylor Swift. I still don't like your music but maybe you are more of a feminist than I thought. Now get back to work and write some better songs.